About the Senior School

Royal St. George’s College is a university preparatory school. We are very proud of our long tradition of teaching excellence and success in preparing young men to enter the academic program and university of their choice. Our school promotes a liberal arts education as the best way to ensure that graduates will meet the challenges presented by a rapidly changing society. Students are exposed to two years of compulsory Arts, Languages and Physical Education. RSGC is a nurturing community that supports students throughout their years in the Senior School. Each of these years has a grade coordinator who serves as a team leader and meets regularly with the students’ subject teachers. Together, they discuss areas of common interest and concern to ensure that each student reaches his full potential.


Grades 9 & 10

The first two years in the Senior School are all about discovery: one individual passions, preferred learning style and, of course, friendships. Though there is a wide breadth of courses to choose from in Grade 10, as students begin to choose a pathway for future pursuits in Grade 11, the choice becomes narrower. The emphasis on discovery in Grade 9 and 10 (through guided support from teachers, advisors, administrators, and parents) is the trademark of this transition period in the Senior School.

Grades 11 & 12

During this phase of the Senior School, boys begin to differentiate their programs of study from their peers. We offer a strong and diverse breadth of AP courses, which complement an already rigorous curriculum. Many pathways are highlighted to the boys, including engineering, computer science, arts, world studies, literature, kinesiology, finance and economics, and health sciences. Boys are supported by their advisors, peers, teachers and administrators in their quest for a pathway toward future endeavours.


Students looking for enrichment will find teachers who are capable of meeting their needs within the traditional classroom environment. Students excelling in various areas of the curriculum are met with challenging and enriched experiences. Many of our courses offer opportunities to explore concepts beyond ministry requirements taught by a committed faculty who challenge students individually. We offer an opportunity to enroll in pre- AP® type courses in French and Mathematics in the first two years of the Senior School, followed by an array of Advanced Placement (AP®) course options in the final two years.

Aces Program

Royal St. George's College offers a unique program for students in Grades 10-12 with an interest in engineering. The philosophy of the Advanced Computer Engineering School (ACES), Tempus est cogitare, is rooted in the belief that the future will require deep thinkers that possess the ability to design, engineer, and communicate technical solutions to their community's problems. Our project-based electrical engineering curriculum supports creative problem solving through doing. Within our doer/maker culture, students engage in the pursuit of knowledge as a natural requirement for achieving their project's goals. Imagination, collaboration, and resilience are additional skills that develop rapidly when students take control of their own learning within a structure of support and accountability.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, students can elect to undertake a set of three courses (one half-year course and two full-year courses) designed to prepare Georgians for post-secondary study of software, electrical, or computer engineering. Visitors are encouraged to examine our current and previous year's curriculum in detail at the RSGC ACES Homepage.

The ACES curriculum introduces students to:
  • the fundamentals of analog and digital circuits in Grade 10
  • the Arduino microcontroller platform in Grade 11
  • AVR 8-bit microcontroller optimization using Assembly/C in Grade 12
ACES classes take place in RSGC’s magnificent Design Engineering Studio located on the second floor of See House.

Message from the Head of Senior School

Paul O’Leary
Royal St. George’s College provides a rigorous university preparatory curriculum, high standards and a long tradition of teaching excellence. We are very proud of our success in preparing young men to enter the academic program and university of their choice. We offer a warm and supportive environment that builds self esteem and confidence, and  challenges and inspires each boy to become the best version of himself.
Our curriculum combines a strong university preparatory program with a unique liberal arts and sciences curriculum full of interesting electives and Advanced Placement (AP) courses to prepare students for university.

In the Senior School, we strongly believe learning in the classroom is only part of the Georgian Experience. A well-rounded education includes social, personal and spiritual growth and RSGC offers an abundance of opportunities. Athletics help students build stamina, skill and confidence while learning teamwork and sportsmanship. Outdoor education offers students greater insight into themselves and the world. Community service projects help students define and develop a sense of selflessness, perspective and social responsibility. Student clubs, drama productions, art shows and musical performances all provide creative outlets that help our students cultivate their own sense of artistic expression.

We strive to develop in students the power of thinking critically and designing solutions to problems. Of equal importance is ensuring our boys welcome challenge and adversity and that they contribute positively and substantially to their learning environment.

Paul O’Leary

Paul O’Leary
Assistant Headmaster/Head of Senior School