Harvey Professional Learning Grant Recipients to Offer more Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Students

Every year, the Harvey Professional Learning Grant awards up to $12,000 to a faculty member or teachers that will allow them to extend their professional development beyond what the College already offers. 
The grant comes through the generous support of Faith Harvey (President, SGC Ladies’ Guild, 1977) and Campbell Harvey ’77.

This year’s co-recipients are Rickesh Kotecha ’00 and Drew Blanchette ’96, who, for several years, have been running the Spark Entrepreneurship Club with the Junior and Senior School boys. Mr. Kotecha and Mr. Blanchette have been teaching the boys about starting their own businesses and the importance of entrepreneurship. Through the club, the boys have created two successful initiatives: a dry cleaning business and a tea business. 

The grant will allow Mr. Kotecha and Mr. Blanchette to build upon their entrepreneur initiatives at the school. 

“With the money, we can pursue many different entrepreneurship workshops,” said Mr. Kotecha. “And then we can create different student events here at the school.”

One of the events they plan on attending is called Startup Weekend, which is run by Google for Entrepreneurs.

“You get together with entrepreneurs over a 54-hour period and start a business from start to finish,” said Mr. Kotecha. “We would also like to take some students to the youth version, with the intention to start our own, with and for the students. We would ultimately like to have a startup weekend or a pitch competition at RSGC.”

The Harvey Professional Learning Grant makes this goal a reality. 

“We see the need from Vision ‘18 to incorporate and continue to develop entrepreneurship in our educational environment – 
really dig in and get experience in other places,” he said. “We saw the Harvey Grant as an opportunity to give students a chance to interact and develop the program as well. It’s a great opportunity to have the students with us on this journey and essentially build it as they see fit.”