RSGC’s New Concussion Program

A new partnership with Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Concussion Centre is taking RSGC’s concussion program to a new level.
From comprehensive concussion education for students, teachers and coaches to a ground-breaking baseline testing program, the RSGC community will soon have access to the leading specialists at the world-class centre. 

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is Canada’s largest pediatric hospital and a world leader in youth concussion. Youth brains are still developing and require a unique approach to concussion care. Their centre includes clinicians specifically trained in pediatric brain injury and researchers who are leading experts in the field of youth concussion. 

“We’re partnering with the people who know best and we want everyone to be funneled through the experts,” said Assistant Headmaster Paul O’Leary. “Not only will students go to them for their recovery and post-concussion care, but they will also be cleared by the experts for return to learn and return to play.” 

The Concussion Centre provides a wide variety of services that focus on getting kids back to the things they need, want and love to do. Their team includes members from neurology, developmental pediatrics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, social work and neuropsychology. 

“Their baseline test is both an online memory-type activity, plus a physical piece,” said Steve Turner, Director of Athletics. “We’re aiming to have Holland Bloorview onsite for a week in order to baseline test and educate students. We’re also hoping to have a parent education evening and a teacher information session.” 

It’s important to remember that concussions do not just happen to athletes in contact sports. 

“Accidents can even happen on the playground and in non-contact sports,” said Mr. Turner.

The school-wide initiative should be underway in the coming weeks. 