systemic racism word cloud

Black Lives Matter at RSGC: Our Work Ahead

Royal St. George’s stands in support of all those who are actively dismantling systemic racism.
This commitment has been tested yet again with the murder of George Floyd. In the midst of a pandemic, while we are away from the support of our school, our friends and our community, the world around us has shifted yet again. We are deeply impacted by the events that have followed and actively support the social and political outcry in the form of protest.
While the fires are burning and being stoked south of the border, the rallies in Toronto against anti-black and anti-indigenous racism and violence remind us that there is justified anger, frustration and fear within our own community and city.

Racism is real and we know members of our community are hurting. RSGC rejects racism and discrimination and we stand with our black students, families, alumni, employees and anyone who experiences racism. The impact of racism runs deep, not just in the US, but in Canada and around the world.

At RSGC, as an organization, we acknowledge we have learning, listening and teaching to engage in. We must work together in breaking down barriers, recognizing, with honest vulnerability, institutional discrimination and bias and dismantling these within our school. We must do what we can to ensure that our students not only become the best version of themselves, but also celebrate our differences, acknowledge our privilege, effect change and make a difference.

Despite not being with the boys in person, our teachers are having open discussions with the boys in homeform and advisor sessions to ensure that they are able to share perspectives, and build compassion and empathy through open and honest discourse. In the days ahead, we will share more resources with our community.

We each have a role to play. This is not a time to be silent. We will continue to work hard to make RSGC a safe place and ensure that anti-oppression remains a top priority. We will continue to work towards one of our strategic plan goals of having a more diverse experience and inclusive school. We will have mis-steps and will make mistakes but our commitment to our community is to continue to consciously create a better RSGC.

While the murder of George Floyd was the catalyst, anti-black racism and violence has gone on for far too long.  Now is the time for listening, for self-reflection and for action. We all have a responsibility to do everything we can to ensure that each member of our community feels that they can be who they are and that they belong.

RSGC, Stronger Together.